Insolvency law verdieping


Insolvency law

The insolvency lawyers of TEN

Many entrepreneurs or private individuals are confronted with insolvency law when faced with a suspension of payments, bankruptcy or the Natural Persons Debt Rescheduling Act (WSNP). Our experienced specialists are ready to help you in this field. With five trustees and three WSNP administrators, the insolvency law department of TEN is well equipped to advise you.

Insolvency law specialist

The trustees and administrators of TEN are appointed by both the District Court of East Brabant and the District Court of Zeeland-West Brabant. It goes without saying that the receivers of TEN have successfully completed the postgraduate Grotius specialisation course in Insolvency Law and are members of the Association of Insolvency Lawyers (Insolad).

Lawyer and trustee

If you are looking for an insolvency lawyer who can assist you in proceedings or indeed to prevent you from being confronted with insolvency law, then TEN is the right place for you. Thanks to years of practical experience, our insolvency lawyers are uniquely equipped to represent your interest.

Prevention is better than cure

TEN can improve your position right from the outset. For example, by establishing security such as a right of pledge or a right of mortgage, sound written recording of agreements or drawing up general conditions to strengthen your hand in the event of insolvency. This way TEN can help you establish a retention of title or exercise your right of reclamation or retention in case of insolvency. Thereby greatly improving your standing as creditor. Or to ensure that others become (jointly) liable for the obligations entered into by the other party by stipulating joint and several liability, entering into co-debtership or providing a guarantee. 

Company restart

If your company goes bankrupt, a restart may be possible. It is also advisable to seek advice if you want to buy parts or assets from a bankruptcy. Speed is often of the essence in bankruptcy situations. By being familiar with both sides of the coin, the trustees at TEN know what you must take into account and how to assess your negotiating position.

Negotiating with a trustee

There are various situations in which you may have to deal with a trustee, for example as a lessor or lessee of real estate or other property, as a creditor or you have a contract with a bankrupt party. TEN can advise you on your legal position and identify any room for negotiation.

Composition with creditors

Offering a composition of creditors is a quick way to reschedule your debts. TEN knows the conditions you must meet and can advise you on how to make it more likely that your composition will succeed.

WSNP admission or appeal

Perhaps you are considering the WSNP scheme, but cannot oversee the possibilities or consequences. Sometimes it is possible to convert a bankruptcy into a debt restructuring scheme. Or perhaps you have unsuccessfully filed a WSNP petition with the court and you want to appeal. We can also help you with this.

Want to know more? Contact one of our insolvency lawyers.

Do you have a question about a bankruptcy? The bankruptcy trustee issues a public report periodically. In here you can read the current state of affairs. Answers are given to questions such as the cause of the bankruptcy and what the prospects are for the creditors. You can view the reports in the Centraal Insolventieregister.

Do you still have a question after reading the bankruptcy report? Please contact us on the telephone number +31 73 – 7600 100 or via e-mail.

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